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“The spark of divinity found in everything is the inspiration for my icons.”

About Sally Nicholson

Utilizing iconography as the fundamental language of her work, Sally crafts stylized representations of subjects through mythical, heroic, and historical symbols. A subtle interplay of humor and pathos characterizes the motifs surrounding the central image, reflecting a profound appreciation for fabrics, vibrant hues, and sumptuous textures.

The narratives within the artworks draw inspiration from the rich tapestry of global mythologies, imbuing the pieces with a diverse and meaningful vocabulary.

The subjects of the icons are individuals and objects that have left an indelible mark on the artist’s psyche.

Drawing from her diverse experiences, Sally has woven a rich tapestry of skills and insights. Her past accomplishments serve as the intricate threads that contribute to the unique narrative woven into each piece, making her artistic journey a harmonious synthesis of a rich and varied professional history.

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