Creation Dance

Dimensions: 41 ½” x 32”
Materials: Silk/Satin/Sequins Wood/UV acrylic

Creation Dance was inspired by my friend and neighbor. He inquired if I was familiar with the Norse creation myth. The “all Father” Odin rules from an ancient oak tree. Serving him are two Raven messengers, Huginn (representing thought) and Muninn (representing memory). The ravens fly across his nine realms as Odin’s eyes and ears, reporting back to the god about his universe.

The oak tree symbolizing endurance, power and ancient wisdom has evolved into a Celtic knot representing the interconnectedness of life, eternity and the continuous cycle of existence. I witness this evolution daily on my ranch as the burned oaks slowly die and shed their mighty arms. These cover the baby oaks emerging from the mother tree’s acorns and protect them from the hungry deer and pigs. Sheltered and nurtured, the oaklings can grow into elders.

Ravens in mythology are the symbol of extreme intelligence and deep knowledge. In this piece, they dance back to share the wisdom they have gathered during their odyssey. Like my resident ravens, they see all and caw out the news. Shiva is the Hindu god symbolizing the cycle of creation and destruction, the balance between good and evil. The Oak tree home of Odin has become a Celtic Shiva with multiple arms and dancing feet.

This piece is like an opera, and the chorus is a pair of serpent gods, Shiva’s constant companion Vasuki, singing the libretto into eternity.

In place photos (click to enlarge):