I often ponder opposing life forces in my meditations, and it comes out in my art. In a new series of Goddesses, Good and Evil are two parts of the antagonistic duality of life.
This struggle is found throughout the ages in the religions of the world. The Abraham religions strive for Good to overcome Evil. In the Buddhist ideology, they are not seen as separate entities, rather as different aspects of the same action with the focus on “karma”, our actions, whether considered good or bad will have consequences in our present and future lives. The Chinese concept of Yin and Yang represents two opposing and yet complementary forces that exist in everything. The importance is in finding the balance between seemingly contradictory aspects; like light and dark, active and passive, or masculine and feminine, to achieve harmony in life.
The Goddess is inspired by the tomb paintings in ancient Egypt. The Egyptian gods were often depicted as part animal and part human. The Lion Goddess in conversation with the Serpent is working out their life destiny accompanied by the chorus of baboons chanting their mantra of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”
In place photo (click to enlarge):