An icon describes in symbolic language the characteristics of the object of worship. Apollo is one of the Olympic gods in Greek mythology recognized as the god of music, dance, truth and prophecy, Sun and light, poetry and eternal love. Johnny is my youngest son, a born musician and composer, he is a romantic. In this icon, Johnny plays a lyre, Apollo’s preferred instrument. The laurel wreath was a symbol of triumph in ancient Greece, and signified the Biblical “peace bearer”. Apollo would drive a flaming chariot across the sky every morning until sunset, lighting the heavens. The pathway of the Sun’s arch is a musical staff emblazed with an original score by Johnny. The Sun has the face of Johnny’s beloved Jeanne as the Sunrise, the noon Sun and the Moon reflecting the Sun’s light through the night. The Putti are kissing swans, symbolic of eternal love and life-long commitment, guarding the prophet’s heart and enclosing Johnny Apollo’s third eye of spiritual vision.