Mudra Madrone

Price: $4500
Dimensions: 40”x 46”
Materials: Silk/Satin/Sequins Wood/UV acrylic

Madrones are majestic and resilient symbolizing strength and survival. It has been inspiring to watch the colonies of Madrones reappear after the 2017 fire storm on our ranch. Where mighty oaks have struggled and gradually given up their giant limbs to shelter the next generation of baby oaks; burnt Madrones have sent forth small forests of strong trees from the original spreading root system.

Mudras are the hand and foot positions used in yoga to awaken the life force in our breath and spiritual centers. Each mudra can be visualized as completing a closed electrical circuit to prevent the spiritual energy leaking from the system.

My Mudra Madrone is a Celtic Knot representing the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and the interconnectedness of all things in the natural world. The roots and branches have hands and feet in mudra positions expressing the contemplation of eternal life. The Gyan mudra (a circle of the index and thumb) is a gesture of wisdom or knowledge, a connectedness between the individual and the universal. The Dhyani mudra, at the base of the trunk, opens the palms to reflect, meditate and contemplate. The Anali mudra, or Namaste, at the crown of the madrone bows to the divine in you from the divine in me.

The four corners enclose the icon of the Mudra Madrone in the elements of Air, Fire, Earth and Water. The Namaste mudra is encircled by a sphere, the symbol of the Spirit.