Nelson Mandela

Dimensions: 41⅜" x 31¼"
Materials: Silk/Satin/Sequins Wood/UV acrylic

Nelson Mandela is celebrated as the South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and political leader. My icon of Mandela contrasts his triumphant achievements with his long imprisonment and humiliation in a playing card format.

Nelson was elected the first black President of South Africa which he led from apartheid to a multiracial democracy. He suffered 27 years in prison until growing domestic and international pressure combined with a fear of a civil war forced the ruling apartheid government to release Mandela and hold open elections. The weeping image of Nelson holding the wealth of his country, the African culture, dripping from his clenched fist held up in defiance. Nelson Mandela became associated with the raised clenched fist as a sign of unity in defiance. While in prison, Nelson’s followers kept candles burning as a sign of solidarity with Mandela. Posters of burning candles with the slogan “Remember Mandela” sprung up to encourage the protest practice. These posters and advertisements were distributed internationally, Nelson Mandela became a symbol of freedom and hope. He was known as Prisoner 46664 on Robben Island Prison.

Nelson was influenced by Marxism, and joined the SA Communist Party, the SACP. His new government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid by talking racial reconciliation. Ideologically an African nationalist and socialist, he served as the president of the ANC or African National Congress. His efforts of negotiation with conflicting political parties and the diverse African tribes won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

Nelson is depicted on the backdrop of the National Flag of the Republic of South Africa, symbolizing the unity of all cultures in South Africa. The national Coat of Arms is represented by the rising Phoenix, haloing Nelson’s image. The crown is the symbol of the rising sun, the Secretary bird wings represent a country able to rise up and protect itself, a rising Phoenix.

The African Symbols in the corners of the border (from upper right clockwise) represent Unity in Diversity, Strength, Transformation and Freedom through Emancipation.